
Who are their critical stakeholders and how arethese stakeholders prioritized by the company? Are they currently financially strong? What is thecompetitive environment

Assignment Overview – Write A Situation Analysis for Your PaperBefore you can identify, describe or research problems in any company, you must first develop a solidunderstanding of that company as context for further analysis. The following are just a few of thequestions you might want to answer as you are doing your research on your company: Do they havemission or vision statements, and if so, what are they? Who are their critical stakeholders and how arethese stakeholders prioritized by the company? Are they currently financially strong? What is thecompetitive environment? Do they operate in a regulated environment? Does your company have apositive or negative public perception? etcUse the library databases (e.g., IBISWorld, Business Insights, Mergent Online ,etc), company filings(e.g., 10K/annual and quarterly reports) and general internet reserch to provide an overview and summaryof your company’s current situation. Finding and reviewing a SWOT analysis from a reputable sourcewould be an important part of this analysis. Organize the assignment into the following sections:1.) Internal Performance – This section should start with a critical analysis of the company’sstrategy, as well as the company’s mission/vision/values statements and stakeholders. You shouldalso thoroughly analyze the company’s performance indicators such as financials (i.e. revenue,profit, revenue & profit growth, margins, etc), debt levels, historical stock performance,innovation (patents), and legal issues. For such financial analysis, multiple time points are betterthan one (at least 3 years of financial data). Use charts and tables, where possible, to summarizethe data.2.) Industry Perspective – In what primary industry does your company operate? What is theoutlook for that industry (% growth rate, size in $ terms, industry drivers and any externalinfluences on the industry, etc)? How is your company performing when compared to itscompetitors? Identify and gather market share and financial performance data for the top threecompetitors, at least. This should include information such as market share, profitability, grossmargins, etc. Use charts and tables where possible to summarize data. IbisWorld is a great sourceof data for this section.This analysis should be no more than three pages in length (should be anywhere between 2.25 to 3pages). You need to be concise and direct. You will likely initially write 4 to 5 pages for your first draft2and spend time editing so that only the most crucial information remains in an organized, clearlyarticulated format. This is not just a regurgitation of your research, it’s a synthesis and criticalanalysis of all that you’ve found. Every sentence should deliver some kind of meaningfulinformation. If you have charts and tables (and you probably should), these are not included in the pagecount. There is no room for fluff. In addition, include a page of sources (at least 5 different sources).If you do a great job on this, it will provide the basis for the first section of your final paper. Again,please single space this assignment. The final paper should be double-spaced.Remember, this assignment should provide the reader (me) a clear indication that you understand thefundamentals of your chosen company. Probably the best word for describing this assignment is“synthesis.” Synthesis is defined as “combining ideas”, so this assignment is all about combining allof the information you uncover from a range of reputable sources into a two to three-pagethe research is to be done on

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