This assignment provides students the opportunity to lay the groundwork for a research-based analysis of a significant global architectural or urban site. That groundwork includes selecting a site from the list of approved locations provided by the instructor, reading and taking notes on research sources, writing a thesis statement that presents the argument you will make about their chosen site’s cultural and architectural significance, and an outline that establishes the order in which you will present evidence in support of the thesis argument.
In keeping with this course’s goals and outcomes, this assignment helps students achieve the following:
• synthesize research using appropriate tools and sources to effectively examine built environments
• strengthen their awareness of architectural terminology, typology, technology, materials, and symbolism
• advance their ability to discuss, analyze and interpret works of architecture, and urban design
• proficiently and ethically employ scholarly digital tools including on-line databases and image resources.
• consider diverse contexts and voices that inform an understanding of built environments.
This assignment requires that you turn in:
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Write My Essay For Me- Tour topic selected from the list of topics provided on Blackboard
- Thesis Statement (250-300 words)
Present an argument that addresses:
• The site’s historical and cultural significance
• Its architectural or urban planning innovations
• Its influence on subsequent developments
• Its role in shaping local and global architectural discourse - Detailed Outline
• Introduction and historical context
• Subtopic sections, each focusing on a key element of the design
• Conclusion synthesizing the subtopics and how they support the site’s importance
• Include brief notes about intended visual materials - Bibliography of a minimum of four sources, selected from the overall bibliography provided by the instructor for each topic, formatted correctly using Chicago-Turabian style.
Assignment phases:
The following required and optional phases for this assignment are:
• Class 2: In class overview for this assignment
• Class 4: Topic selection. Instructor provides time for students to ask questions about assignment in class.
• Optional: students are encouraged to meet with the Writers Studio or the instructor to solicit feedback on their rough draft
• Jan. 24th @ 11:59 PM: Assignment submission
q All elements (thesis, outline, and sources) should be included in a single Word document
q Header must include: [Your first and last name], ARLH 211-[section #] Winter Guided Tour Part 1
q Thesis statement must be underlined
q Use 12 point Times New Roman font. Double spaced. 1-inch margins
q Materials should be free from grammatical and spelling errors
q Chicago-Turabian should be used for the bibliography
Tools and resources:
• The topic should be selected from the list provided as part of the assignment instructions on Blackboard.
• All sources must come from the pre-approved bibliography available as part of the assignment instructions on Blackboard.
• Students are encouraged to use the Writer’s Studio when crafting thesis statements and outlines.
Submission requirements:
This assignment will be submitted to Blackboard / Submit Assignments Here with the following file naming convention:
202520_ARLH_211_[section#]Ritter_StudentLastname GuidedResearchTourPart1
e.g: 202520_ARLH_211_[section#]Ritter_Wallace GuidedResearchTourPart1
Assignment weight:
This assignment counts for 10 points, or 10% of the overall course grade.
Feedback schedule and process: - Assignment introduced in week one
- Students review assignment instructions and take notes in class 2
- Submit assignment on Jan. 24th
Assessment criteria:
• Thesis statement: 35% of assignment grade
• Outline: 40% of assignment grade
• Source selection: 10% of assignment grade
• Chicago formatting: 15% of assignment grade
Grades, using a rubric and general comments, will be returned to students via Blackboard’s grade center no later than one week after submission.
Rubrics for all assignments and exams can be found at Blackboard/Assignment Materials
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