
HIM FPX 4670 Assessment 3 Case Study

  • HIM FPX 4670 Assessment 3 Case Study HIM and Market Forces.

Market Forces Affecting the U.S. Health System

Market force, frequently known as supply and demand, is described by Merriam-Webster (n.d.) as the individual buying and selling decisions that result in cost changes for products and services without being represented by the public authority. Although market forces are a regular part of our lives, healthcare markets are the most wasteful (Chernew, 2020). Market forces influence clinical benefits, drugs, and supplies. The clinical benefits sector is not just influenced by supply and demand.

Market forces also include regulatory agencies, business struggles, and other elements that encourage cutthroat methods for managing acting. Vila Health: Sharing Electronic Health Record (Capella University, 2022) illustrates how demand and contest coordinate.

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The Vila Health case study (Capella University, 2022) features pharmacist Ned Lander and specialist Dr Newcomb as they work to pass first-class care on to their shared patients while making higher progress rates. Ned Landers could access his patients’ electronic health records (EHR) to check for possible prescription errors like the one he discovered after speaking with Mr. Vargas about Metformin and Tagamet.

He could treat his patients better. He could consult drug lists in the EHR, consider safer recommendations for his patients, and update their records as required. As a result, the institution can continue to provide uncommon patient care while staying serious in a cutthroat market (Chandra et al., 2016).

The opposition may influence health information on the board’s careers (HIM). To upgrade patient care and stay serious, HIM staff will function as closely as feasible with doctors, pharmacists, specialists, and other office locations. Ned Landers proposes giving him access to the EHR and sharing patient data with him so that he can make any necessary adjustments and lower the possibility of pharmaceutical interactions.

By exchanging information, pharmacies and clinical professionals can offer patients first-class treatment and respond to their worries (Chandra et al., 2016). HIM personnel should screen access to the patient’s EHR to ensure that crucially shared patient data is accessed and that super-authorized employees can access the data.

Market Forces and HIM

Information must be organized and handled so clinical offices and staff can exchange information utilizing EHRs (Borg et al., 2020). Health information managers oversee and put together this data in the field of health information the executives so that sharing it may be done ably. Sharing Electronic Health Records, a case study from Capella University published in 2022, illustrates how the HIM roles are strategically situated to deal with the current market conditions.

  • Impact of HIM Responsibilities

HIM’s responsibilities included understanding safety by reducing the likelihood of prescription joint exertion mistakes. The pharmacist’s underlying data were insufficient to make a significant difference. Still, close to the finish of the starter, he was given access that allowed him to assist patients that he and Dr. Newcomb shared successfully. This access mainly oversees the patient’s quality of care.

This partnership gives the Ned. Landers Drugstore and Dr Newcomb’s office have the upper hand in their respective markets. Much of this was made possible by the HIM staff’s authoritative abilities and EHR the board. Despite their difficulties overseeing market factors, HIM roles must work ably.

Market Forces and Health Care Professionals

In the HIM FPX 4670 Assessment 3 Case Study HIM and Market Forces, multiple clinical practitioners are impacted by market factors. Ned Landers, a pharmacist, and Dr. Newcomb are straightforwardly affected (CapellaUniversity, 2022). Dr. Newcomb must ensure that the patient’s diagnosis is accurate, that the patient’s treatment plan is understood, and that the patient is mindful of the changes they must make to address their health. Dr. Newcomb must also ensure patients are given and educated about the best prescriptions. However, Dr. Newcomb was unaware of Mr. Vargas’ use of Tagamet because it was uncommon.

Because of this, it is possible that the patient did not raise the subject with Dr Newcomb, and as a result, the communication between Tagamet and Metformin was not brought up. Mr Vargas was prepared to see the cooperation by looking at the patient’s prescription history, which was kept in a document with Ned Landers. Most of the time, patients will see more than one specialist and one pharmacist, furnishing them with a more complete grasp of the patient’s clinical history.

This data is crucial to the study, allowing Ned to ask Dr. Newcomb to access her patients’ clinical records. Thanks to this access, Ned and Dr. Newcomb could spend considerably more time instantly caring for their patients by updating their records with details about any missing prescription drug consumption.

HIM FPX 4670 Assessment 3 Case Study HIM and Market Forces

These market trends influence HIM professionals since patient insurance is a constant concern. In any event, the way that the patient’s clinical group must permanently preserve patient security and the capacity to communicate patient information easily will ultimately chip away at understanding care by ensuring that clinical records are more accurate (Cohen et al., 2019). The study demonstrates how surprising communication and usage of the EHR can support seeing prescription errors, as illustrated in the cases of Jake Vargas and Hillary Baldwin.

Also, permitting Ned Landers read-compose access to his drug store will help him avoid negative drug interactions when he substitutes prescriptions and will spare Dr. Newcomb’s group from being required to double their occupation by updating the system (Capella University, 2022).

  • Health Information Management Roles

Health Care Professionals’ Interactions and Market Forces The case study reveals that HIM roles have regularly responded to market dynamics suitably. He assisted with safeguarding patients’ safety and forestalling clinical blunders (Borg et al., 2020). Doctors and pharmacists shared a restricted amount of data at the outset, making giving their patients safe, proper care challenging. Subsequently, the HIM positions exchanged patient records between the offices using Electronic Health Records (EHRs).

In the HIM FPX 4670 Assessment 3 Case Study HIM and Market Forces, clinical mistakes were reduced, thereby overseeing understanding of safety and security. The strengthening and solidification of the supplier-patient relationship depend on improving patient outcomes (Cohen et al., 2019). To meet the requirement for healthcare records, HIM positions were crucial as they allowed pharmacists to discuss drug interactions. Therefore, data sharing became essential to providing the healthcare system with a competitive edge while addressing patient needs. A secure health information system is vital to expanding healthcare accessibility.

Health information must be handled accurately, precisely, and swiftly so individuals can make informed decisions. The case study acknowledges that participants must make more significant investments in establishing the human resources needed to manage the shared data, given the constraints of limited resources.


Borg, S. J., Donald, M., Totsidis, K., Quinn, N., & Jackson, C. L. (2020). Improving quality in general practice using the Primary Care Practice Improvement Tool (PC-PIT) with Primary Health Network support. Australian Journal of Primary Health,26(6), 484-491. view/2472001292?parentSessionId=rWN%2BNvWJ9%2BE%2F LgRrZn4AtXDAE%2FGP7WOpjEPuaAJRKrA%3D&pq-origsite=summon&accountid=27965

Chandra, A., Finkelstein, A., Sacarny., A., & Syverson, C. (2016, December 5). Research: Market Forces Do Work in Health Care After All. Harvard Business Review., Research%3A%20Perhaps%20Market%20Forces%20Do%20Work%20in%20Health%20Care%20After,not%20insulated%20from%20consumer%20demands.&text=For%20decades%2C%20experts%20and%20policy,the%20rest%20of%20the%20economy.

Chernow, M. E. (2020). The Role of Market Forces in U.S. Health Care. The New England Journal of Medicine,383(15), 1401-1404. view/2449276914?accountid=27965&parentSessionId=Q0QP27 MyLFihj3qVaymL7kmkRglVxI7wINP2u%2BaJ07Q%3D&pq-origsite=summon

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Market forces.

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