
Choose one UK company*(except the following ones at the bottom of this page) in any industry that operates in the UK. The company must be a different one from the one you chose on assignment

ULMS516 Internationalisation of a UK company – Introduction To International Business Assignment No 2 (2500 words) 2024-25

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Category Assignment Subject Business
University University of Liverpool Module Title ULMS516 Introduction To International Business

Required structure:

This is an individual assignment (with no Report format) with a word count of 2,500 words (word count excludes cover page, figures, tables, charts, appendices (if any), and list of references).

Assignment Task:

Choose one UK company*(except the following ones at the bottom of this page) in any industry that operates in the UK. The company must be a different one from the one you chose on assignment 1**. The company is examining the possibility to expand further worldwide in one new specific country that provides potential for expansion and company’s CEO is asking your advice about the feasibility for entering that new country.
You are required to examine the following aspects of internationalisation and provide recommendations based on the analyses you have carried out [You must answer all 3 questions (a) – (c)]:

  1. Suggest only one country to enter and based on thorough analysis provide the rationale for choosing this country for international expansion. You must assess the attractiveness of that country and identify potential benefits for your company. 
  2. Suggest the best mode of entry your company will pursue there. You need to justify your answer. 
  3. Suggest the optimal rate of expansion and justify your choice [Small (1-4) or Large (5 & above) scale of expansion]. You need to justify your answer.

Learning Outcomes

(LO1) Understand key areas of the economics of foreign trade and investment;

(LO2) Understand foundational definitions, concepts and theories in international business and communicate these ideas in verbal and written forms;

(LO3) Develop an understanding of the activities of multinational firms including the economic and business drivers of these activities;

(LO4) Develop an awareness of the global business environment;

(LO5) Critically apply theories and concepts to empirical situations.

(S1) International awareness

(S2) Communication skills

(S3) Time management

(S4) Commercial awareness

(S5) Research skills

(S6) Ethical awareness

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